
Work areas as well as seminar and meeting rooms can be used free of charge.


The KAIT team at FH JOANNEUM is available for advice.


Support is also available for funding and financing issues.


Support in accessing FH JOANNEUM networks.

About us

Origin and content

KAIT has been in existence since 2017 and arose from the EU-funded Accelerator project (Interreg Programme, Central Europe).

KAIT is a start-up centre where primarily students, but also other founders and young entrepreneurs who want to start their own business or grow in the IT sector in Upper Styria are supported and advised. The head of the IT+ Institute at FH JOANNEUM, Sonja Gögele.



Conicode is a young, agile company that implements individual software solutions in the field of green energy and energy simulations.

New Horizons

New Horizons supports companies in the smooth relocation of highly qualified foreign workers. These are in great demand on the Austrian labor market, especially for some occupational fields.


With over 8 million downloads, FITAPP is one of the most successful apps from Austria. FITAPP allows you to record different languages via GPS and share them in a feed.

smart SIMPLY

Smart home, digitalisation as simple as possible. But under the aspects of regional value creation and sustainability. A regional carpenter makes quality frames for you from real solid wood, from Austria.

Melanie Dunst

From corporate design to websites and apps to online marketing. We are at home in the colourful world of marketing and advertising. Our competencies lie in web design & e-commerce, app development, programming, online marketing – digital sales and customer journey consulting.

Inpro Analytics

Inpro Analytics is the long-term outsourcing partner for data analysis, visualisation, statistical evaluations and machine learning. We help companies to become data-driven and to live Business Intelligence.

Further Founders

  • GA NORM Consulting e.U. – Andreas Geissriegler
Extended Project

Green KAIT

The EU and SFG funded project Green KAIT, with the duration August 2023 – July 2026, aims to provide students in the target regions (JTP regions of the EU) with holistic training mainly in the field of entrepreneurship and business planning. We want to encourage young people to turn their creative ideas into successful business projects. The Green KAIT offer includes several elements that help students to develop and strengthen their entrepreneurial skills

For more information, visit:



Startup Mission 2024

Are you active in the green tech sector and have you founded your start-up in the last ten years? Would you like to exchange ideas with industry colleagues at IFAT, the world’s leading trade fair for environmental technologies, and expand your international network? Would you like to make contact with potential partners and investors and get to know the local startup scene in Munich? If your answer to these questions is yes, then the Startup Mission to munich organized by the  Steirischen Wirtschaftsförderung SFG and  Green Tech Valley is the right place for you.

During the Startup Mission, we will visit  IFAT snd the  Startup Demo Night, get to know the Munich ecosystem with the support of  EEN Bavaria and network internationally.

Date: May 14 to May 16, 2024

Participation Fee: 320 euros (incl. 20% VAT) per person

The special package for startups and scaleups includes travel to and from the event (train), accommodation incl. breakfast and local tax, travel insurance, public transport tickets and tickets to visit IFAT and the Startup Demo Night.

Together we will turn Styria into the  Startupmark.

Details and registration for the Startup Mission by April 19, 2024 at:

Business Idea Competition 2024

On May 4, 2024 at 09 am it will be time again: for the sixth time, the KAIT ideas competition will take place, in which FH JOANNEUM, as one of the leading universities of applied sciences, is looking for the best IT business ideas. With KAIT-Kapfenberg Accelerator & Incubator, FH JOANNEUM supports IT founders in Upper Styria with ideas in the field of digitalization on their way to economic independence.

Date: May 04, 2024
from 08:30 am
Location: FH JOANNEUM in Kapfenberg

We look forward seeing you there!

Sustainable Sparks 2024

Save the Date:

Green KAIT is organizing the first flagship event under the title “Sustainable Sparks”

June 07, 2024
from 2 p.m.
at the FH JOANNEUM in Kapfenberg

Further Information will follow soon at:

WE! Women’s Entrepreneurship Coaching

The Styrian Business Promotion Agency (SFG) supports female technology-oriented founders from the network of Startupmark partners as well as founders from the fields of IT and sustainability in the establishment and further development of innovative female businesses of the future with a free coaching program.

For more information, visit the website at: 

Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) Süd

The Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) South is a competence network that serves as a coordination and contact point for small and medium-sized enterprises on the topic of digitalisation in the South of Austria region.

The aim of the initiative is to enable digitalisation in SMEs.

For more information, visit the website at: 

Latest news

Am vergangenen Samstag, den 4. Mai, fand in Kapfenberg bereits zum 6. Mal der spannende Ideenwettbewerb im Rahmen des Kapfenberg Accelerators & Incubators für IT, also kurz KAIT statt. Zahlreiche innovative Köpfe aus der Region kamen zusammen und stellten ihre Ideen vor. Mit rund 50 Teilnehmer:innen war das Event ein voller Erfolg und zeigt das große Interesse an kreativen Ideen und Unternehmertum. Die Moderation des Wettbewerbs lag in den kompetenten Händen von Gert Schweiger und Sabine Proßnegg, die durch das Programm führten und den Ablauf reibungslos gestalteten.
(Green) KAIT is the incubator and accelerator of the FH JOANNEUM in Kapfenberg. KAIT inspires people, especially students, to start their own business in the region. A particular focus is on IT/digitalization, on sustainable/green ideas and on female founders. KAIT evolved from an EU project, so it is “international by design”. That is why KAIT contributes to the line of events to celebrate the International Women’s Day with this International Round Table for Female Founders.
(Green) KAIT is the incubator and accelerator of the FH JOANNEUM in Kapfenberg. KAIT wants to inspire people, especially students, to start their own business in the region. A particular focus is on business ideas in IT/digitalization, apart from that there is more support for sustainable/green ideas and for female founders. KAIT emerged from an EU project, so it is “international by design”. That is why KAIT wants to contribute to the line of events to celebrate the International Women’s Day with this International Round Table for Female Founders.
In the afternoon, at the KAIT online event International Round Table for Female Founders, three female founders from different countries discussed opportunities and obstacles for female entrepreneurs.
On 8 March, International Women's Day, UAS FH JOANNEUM (FHJ) and its partners organized for the second time the Female Future education and career fair in Kapfenberg.
KAIT-Kapfenberg Accelerator & Incubator for IT Networking Meeting on October 11, 2022, 4 – 5 pm online, Elmar Krainz, Heidemarie Köllinger, Sabine Proßnegg
On 28.09.2022, a Founders network meeting took place at FH JOANNEUM in Kapfenberg.
KAIT-Kapfenberg Accelerator & Incubator for IT was represented at the Future Day of the Styrian Economy in June 2022 in the exhibition hall in Graz. Under the motto #accessiskey, there were eager presentations and discussions about access to data, new business models, climate-neutral solutions and also networks.
On 11 June 2022, the 4th idea competition took place at FH JOANNEUM in Kapfenberg as part of the IT Start-up Centre KAIT-Kapfenberg Accelerator & Incubator for IT. This year, the competition was held in hybrid form, with most of the participants and all of the presenters being on site.


Maria Köck

Self-employed management consultant and coach,

previously managing director of an international group of companies based in Graz in the metal industry, decades of international experience in sales and marketing, setting up subsidiaries and leading the team worldwide, training in systemic coaching

I am happy to share my experience in the following areas:

Leadership and Coaching / Sales and Marketing / Hybrid Leadership / Intercultural Competence / Career Planning / Change Management / Reconciling Career and Family / Facilitation / International Project Management / Mentoring available in German, English or French.


KAIT is a partner of  Startupmark, an initiative of the Styrian Business Promotion Agency (SFG).

“Since autumn 2021, FH JOANNEUM has been offering the career-opening degree programme “Digital Entrepreneurship”, which is aimed, among others, at future founders and innovators from all disciplines. You can apply for the economic-technical training from now on.”

International Partner


Write to us or contact us via our social media
Contact form


FH JOANNEUM GmbH -University of Applied Sciences

INSTITUT Software Design und Security

Werk-VI-Straße 46

8605 Kapfenberg, AUSTRIA

T.: +43 (0)316 5453-8374


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